Fabric Self Portrait 12 x 12 inches
One of the members of our guild makes a lot of art quilts using fabrics with a fusible backing. She has lots and lots of scraps. She offered to set up a project where we could make a self portrait during one of our meetings. She told us the portraits didn’t have to be realistic…we could do anything we wanted to create.
She pre-cut the background fabric squares and probably also put fusible backing on some bigger pieces of fabric. But she also included a lot of her scraps—just little bits. The smirky smile on this portrait was one of those scraps and so are the eyebrows.
The friend sitting next to me looked at my portrait and commented that I needed to add some sort of embellishment. Our box of scraps had a rectangle of yellow streaky fabric that sort of looked like fur…so I added one of my dogs!
The group had a really great time and we all created our fusible portraits in about 45 minutes. Hooray for scraps and friends who share!