It’s a party!
This year I participated in O’Sewpersonal’s charm square club. I have to say, I wasn’t at all sure what I would do when Mara Penny’s “Soirée” charm pack from Moda Fabrics dropped into my mailbox. I was really puzzled about why they choose this fabric line. It was the last pack in the series, and it was definitely different from almost all the prior choices.
I think it came with a mottled grey and mottled black fabric for the background fabrics. Those choices made this collection even less appealing to me. Still not sure what I was going to do, I kept the grey but put the mottled black fabric in the stash. I went shopping and found Sarah Watts’ super cheery bright pink “Sugar” from her Ruby Star Society line to replace the mottled black fabric. That totally changed the character of this set of fabrics!
This is now going to be a very happy birthday quilt. Hopefully it will have many happy returns from the quilt closet when it’s time to celebrate the birthdays of two little girls!
All I have to do now is make it!!