Radish cut from a Spoonflower Swatch
I purchased two Spoonflower.com swatches for the Garden Patch quilt I made recently. Unfortunately they were 1/4 inch too small on all 4 sides for that Hachi style quilt. So I turned one into the doll quilt which I wrote about in my April 28, 2022 post. For these two shirts project, I used an 8 inch swatch of “Vegetable Pattern White Fabric” by flaxlynx.
I fussy cut the vegetables in the design to applique onto the clothing. As you can see, there is a radish on the 0-3 month baby T-shirt above and beets on the pockets on pocket of a T-shirt I made for myself.
Applique on a T-shirt pocket
I found out one thing working on this project. Iron-on adhesive products don’t last forever! I looked at the product I had and thought it didn’t look right, but I decided to use it anyway. It did fuse to the vegetable fabric but once I tried to fuse to the garment, it wouldn’t stick. I ended up using a school glue stick which worked well enough for me to get to my machine to do the stitching. While the school glue worked this little applique I wouldn’t suggest it for a more complex one. So, if you plan to use an iron-on adhesive product and it looks bubbly wait on your project until you can get a new sheet to replace it!
Resources used for these shirts:
Both the snap baby T and the adult T were purchased at Primary.com.
I used the pocket template from the DIY Embellished Pocket Tees Tutorial on www.polkadotchair.com
“Vegetable Pattern White Fabric” on by flaxlynx Spoonflower.com.
I do like Heat ‘n Bond Lite Iron-on Adhesive and have had great results using it. Just replace it after 5 years or so!
Notice: This blog is not monetized: I do not use affiliate links. When there are links in a post, they are to give credit to another creative person, because I like or have used a product, or to help the reader easily find supplies for a project.