Peg Dolls Medical Staff
Like lots of quilters and sewists during this COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been sewing cloth face masks. I thought it would be fun to make some for peg dolls too. I initially tried making pleated cloth masks, but they were just too small very difficult to sew. So I switched to wool felt, the traditional material for peg doll clothing.
So here are my new friends. You decide if they are doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, medical assistants, x-ray techs or whoever else might be.
These are extra large 3 1/2 inch tall peg dolls.
If you want to make some for yourself, here’s how to do that.
Paint the doll with non-toxic paint. Allow the paint to dry completely. See this post for some information on painting wooden peg dolls.
Cut a square of wool felt, 1 inch square.
Fold it in half and stitch the long open end closed. I used the sewing machine but hand sewing is fine too. Then edge stitch the folded side.
Cut a piece of 1/8 inch elastic 4 inches long. If you squeeze the two long sides together, a “tunnel” will open and the elastic will slip through easily. Tie a square knot and pull it tight. Slip the knot into the center of the mask.
Surgical cap
Cut a piece of wool felt 1 inch x 2 3/4 inches. On ONE side, stitch a running gathering stitch. If you machine stitch do NOT lock either end of the stitching.
Pull the thread on BOTH ends to gather it as tight as you can. Tie a knot to keep the cap gathered.
Turn the cap inside out so that the gathering will be on the inside.
Using a doll that has already been painted, glue the hat to the head using a craft glue.
As dedicated as our medical friends are, and as much as they like their work caring for the sick and injured, it’s always good when the shift is over and they can go home to their families.
“Bye!” “See you later!” “Hi to the kids!” “Have a great day off!”