Waldorf Type Doll with Knit WIg
A lot of Waldorf type dolls have hair that is a cap crocheted with mohair yarn for doll making. But there are some makers who knit wigs. I probably could crochet a wig but I’m much more comfortable knitting. So I decided to try knit a wig for this tiny 5 inch tall Waldorf type baby doll. There’s a pattern for a knit wig on the sleeve of De Witte Engel mohair boucle doll yarn but it creates little pseudo pig tails and I just wanted a smooth wig. So I decided to try and make my own pattern.
I used smooth mohair doll hair yarn. ThIs doll has a 4 inch head circumference (measured around the head at eye level).
Here’s what I did:
Using size 3 US knitting needles, cast on 8 stitches. Using a garter stitch knit until the piece is long enough to reach from chin level on one side of the face to chin level on the other side of the face. (I didn’t count rows, I just checked the knitting on the doll until it was the right length). Bind off.
Fold the rectangular knit wig in half the long way. Sew the two halves together on just one side, leaving the other side open. Fit the wig on the doll’s head. The sewn seam should be at the center back of the head. Pin the wig around the face and around the back of the lower head. Adjust as needed. Once you are happy, sew the knit wig to the doll’s head with a tiny running stitch with cotton thread.
The bangs are several scraps of yarn that I sewed to the doll’s head before I put the knit wig on the doll’s head.
This worked beautifully for this tiny doll. I’m wondering if there might be a bit of a point a the upper back edge of the wig with a bigger doll, but I haven’t tried it, so I don’t know.