“Snowflake” Quilt designed by Nicole Daksiewicz 58 x 70 inches
Spring has arrived and my version of Nicole Daksiewwicz’s quilt “Snowflake” is finally done!
Look back to my post of February 20, 2020, to see more about this quilt and how I pieced the background.
I used a walking foot to quilt it. Because of the varied block sizes in my background, there was a lot of stopping and restarting. I quilted along the seams of the blocks in the background but ran long lines of stitching through the white snowflakes. I followed the angles of the white blocks which created lots of intersecting lines. So the snowflake has lots of interest and texture.
It took me almost a week to quilt this lap quilt. I had lots of “are we done yet?” moments. But the end result was worth the tedium.
Quilting detail of snowflake. And yes, the diagonal lines are intentionally asymmetric.
So, it was a lovely warm March day when I took the photos shown. But I couldn’t resist adding a couple photos taken a few days later, the day I wrote this post! Gotta love Spring in New England!
“Snowflake” quilt on a snowy day!
And this one…just to be show it really is snowing!
This was a great project. But if I ever make it again, the background blocks will all be the same size to make the quilting easier.
This pattern and other patterns designed by Nicole Dakseiwicz, and be found at her website, Modern Handcraft.
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