I was flipping through Electric Quilt's EQ8 Block Library book with all the photos of the blocks in the EQ8 block library and found simple chicken and turkey foundation piece blocks. I wasn't planning on making a chicken quilt....but what fun!
The chicken and turkey in the Electric Quilt block library didn't have combs on their heads and I wanted the rooster to strut his stuff a bit more. So I put each block into the EQ8 EasyDraw Block function and added combs, changed the turkey's wattle a bit and gave him a wing so he could be more colorful. The two patterns from the EQ8 block library are left and center below. My revised rooster is on the right.
Here is the chicken with the added comb. It is still a fairly simple foundation pieced block.
I'm using a variety of fabrics for my chickens that have subtle designs but read as white or cream. The other blocks in the quilt are blues, greens and lavenders with some yellow accents in the border. It takes time to do these foundation pieced blocks, but I really like the results!
If you have EQ8 and are designing quilts and not necessarily starting from scratch all the time, I highly recommend purchasing a copy of the Electric Quilt 8 Library book. While all the blocks are available online in the program, I see things flipping through the book I might not have found (or knew I even wanted) looking at the blocks in the program.