I finished up the binding, completing my Craftsy Tula Pink Fox Field Mystery Quilt today. I'm delighted with how it turned out.
I had a lot of fun doing the quilting. I followed the diamonds with some straight out-of-the-ditch quilting using my walking foot. The seams on some of the inner diamonds didn't follow from block to block. So in those places, I just quilted each side of the diamond, starting and stopping at the seam lines.
I used free motion quilting in the centers of each block. Some fabric designs have hidden rabbits, fox, horses and birds. I couldn't resist having the mammals leave their footprints in some of the center diamonds. Sorry birds, not your quilt this time!
Horse shoe imprint |
Rabbit tracks |
Fox footprint |
A rabbit was centered in one of the blocks so I highlighted it with a special flower. The remaining blocks all have a double daisy in the center diamond with meandering in the first strip around each diamond.
Flower showcasing rabbit in center diamond |
Double diasy in center block |
I had put aside a set of pink and grey strips but in the end I felt they were too much a mix of light and dark to be a good binding. So I used a grey on grey zig-zag from my stash--a quiet margin on a bright quilt.
This was great fun!