6 inch and 5 1/2 inch soft Waldorf dolls making Snow Angels!
Above are two little Waldorf Type Dolls. I drew the pattern for the doll's body but it is possible to find patterns for very similar dolls.
Both dolls were made with essentially same body pattern (with a slight tweak in the arms) but the larger doll has a body of knit fabric and the doll on the right has a body of woven fabric. I was surprised by how much smaller the doll was with the woven fabric body!
After living with these two dolls for a couple weeks, I revised the pattern a third time. This final pattern works very well. He's a tad taller, has a slightly larger head, the arms have a larger circumference and they come straight off the shoulders.
6 1/4 inch soft Waldorf doll with the snowdrops
These little dolls are fairly easy to make. Their only hair is a few strands of scrap yarn and the knit hats are sewn on. I'll post the pattern for their tiny hat next week.
The three dolls below are 4 inch Pouch dolls. The pattern for these little dolls are from Making Waldorf Dolls by Maricristin Sealey. I added the ribbon around the waist. The little bows in back are so cute! The prop holding up the dolls is a cheerful pot of artificial light pink roses I picked up at Ikea which they call Fejka.
These tiny pouch dolls are fun to make...and I got to practice making 3 little heads!