Quilt Diagram and part of the fabric collection
I've long thought it would be fun to make a monochromatic quilt--all the blocks in the same hue. Blue would be the obvious choice...they make such pretty quilts.
But when I saw all these purple hue fabrics at JP Knit & Stitch, I picked up a small collection of fabrics! Purple (and some cream)! I don't even really like purple!! So this is a good stretch for me. The added cream probably means this is not a true monochromatic quilt, so I may choose not to use the floral on the far right above.
I decided to do play on on the design in Rashida Coleman-Hale's Fall 2015 Cotton and Steel "Macrame", by RJR Fabrics. I love the scattered bright magenta, teal and gold colored "beads" scattered through her design.
I have a preliminary diagram of a quilt which I think I like. This should be interesting!