Christmas Reindeer Lap Quilt, 45 x 62 inches
I definitely got the perfect weather to take a photo of this Christmas quilt which I just finished quilting! This is very cute fabric. The reindeer with red noses which were the inspiration for the square red blocks in this pattern.
This is a three yard quilt pattern called “Attraction” from Fabric Café®. I struggled with piecing this quilt. It turns out this pattern isn’t meant to be used with a fabrics that have directional designs. Fortunately I realized that before I did any cutting so the trees and reindeer are all upright. What I didn’t realize until too late was that I needed to make half of the the reindeer blocks and half of teal blocks (which are letters to Santa) mirror images of each other. I think I missed that because all my squares are red, while in the pattern, the squares are two different colors and they switch back and forth. I’ve used this pattern before and i did piece it correctly in this quilt using “Tula’s True Colors”.
All my teal blocks have the red square on the right side of the block and all the reindeer blocks have the red square on the left. So I couldn’t alternate the teal fabric and the reindeer fabric every other block in each row. The solution was to one whole row teal block and the next reindeer blocks. This was definitely a significant deviation from the pattern, but I still like it!
Here’s the flannel back and the star detail on the back which is in each of the red blocks on the front of the quilt.
I’d thought about making spirals in each of the red squares, sort of echoing the red noses on the reindeer, but then decided that stars on the back of the quilt would look better than 24 random spirals!
So, another February finish! I was happy I was doing the quilting on this flannel backed quilt at this time of year and not in July!!