Child’s size 4 dress, Simplicity S8897. The dolls are wearing clothes I drafted.
Our favorite discount fabric store often cuts “generous” yards. I purchased this whimsical mushroom and fairies fabric to make doll clothes. But I had way more fabric than I needed, so I decided to make a matching dress for a young friend.
I looked at my books which have patterns for children’s dresses but didn’t see anything I liked for this project. Our local Joann’s closed a couple years ago and the nearest one is a hike. A doable hike, but it’s now an outing, not a quick errand. So, I decided to see if I could find a commercial pattern on line. And no surprise, you can!
I found this dress pattern and two others at And several days later, they were in my mailbox. Pretty awesome!
The flutter sleeves on the girl’s dress make me smile. It’s Simplicity pattern S8897. The rick rack trim is shown on the pattern package and I love rick rack.
I’d already made the two doll dresses (which are patterns I drafted myself) but I went back and added the rick rack to the hem of both doll dresses and sleeves of the larger dress. So now my young friend will have two dolls with dresses that match hers.
The Waldorf type doll models live at my house. You’ve seen the little blonde before. She’s Lucy Birch, and I drew the pattern for her body and all her clothes. The larger doll is Clover. She’s a Sitting Friend, made by Bamboletta.
Here’s a detail of the back of the dress, which is closed with 3 loops. I used flower buttons, to match the colors in the dress.
Back closure of the dress
Oh to be 5 again, so I could put on this dress and take my dolls out for an adventure. Then again, making these dresses made me just as happy!
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