It's August, the best month of Boston's summer, in my opinion. It starts July hot but by the end of the month there's a hint that the cooler days of September are on their way. I love those last 2 weeks of August when the temperature and humidity typically drop.
Because I've always worked in the medical world, having a long summer vacation has never been an option. With only 8 weeks of summer here, and everyone wanting warm weather time off, sharing the wealth was the expectation--and the rule!
This year, no longer subject to the rules of nursing, I'm going to try ratchet down my level of productivity--both quilting and blogging--and enjoy August.
I've been posting on Mondays and Thursdays each week, but this month, posting on my blog will be on the whim. For my faithful subscribers and readers, don't be alarmed when if you don't get those regular 5 PM notices from MailChimp! The silence is all good!
I expect I will post occasionally during the month. It may be craft related, or perhaps you'll see a bit of the dogs from time to time!
I hope you have had some summer time to rest and relax, or have some coming up soon! Enjoy!